Monthly Tuition Notes
• We divide the yearly tuition into nine (9) equal parts; therefore all monthly payments are equal, even in those months which include holidays.
• Monthly tuition payments are due on the 1st of each month.
• Monthly tuition payments are due one month in advance. That is, on October 1, November tuition is due, etc.. Your last payment is April 1 for May tuition.
• We issue no refunds if a student is absent because of a family vacation.
• A late payment fee of $10 is charged for late payments
• There will be a $20.00 fee for any checks returned by the bank for insufficient funds. A second check returned for insufficient funds will require that family to pay all remaining monthly tuition payments by cash or money order.
• If there is a problem concerning your payment please contact the office administrator.
• Make checks payable to Congregational Preschool (or Congo PS). You may mail payments to the church office (1910 3rd Avenue NW) or bring payments to church office administrator (DO NOT MAIL CASH PAYMENTS)
• 10% discount given if entire yearly tuition is paid by August 1. Prepaid tuition is non-refundable.
• 10% discount given to a second child in a family enrolled for the same school year.